+91 7337537632


ART defines us !!

Dictionary definition states that Art is the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power. Here by Art we mean Visual Art and Paintings. Art has the power to educate people about almost anything. It can create awareness and present information in a way that could be absorbed by many easily. In a world where there are those who don't even have access to good education; art makes education an even greater equalizer of society.

Sometimes it’s beautiful, sometimes it’s captivating, sometimes it tells a story, and sometimes it provokes change. Whatever its meaning, and whatever the intention behind the artist’s thoughts, art is something tangible that has an intangible sense of feeling about it. And that is something very special indeed. Art making is an essential practice that can support our positivity and sense of wellbeing, expand our awareness open ourselves to kindness and self-compassion, and deepen our connection to ourselves and others.

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