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Did you wash your hands? Did you use soap? Children everywhere are grossly familiar with those questions, but it's for a good reason: Washing with soap is essential for preventing the spread of germs that make us sick.

The truth is Soap doesn't kill germs on our hands, it removes them. Germs stick to the oils and grease on our hands. Water alone won't remove much of the germs on our hands because water and oil don't like each other, so they won't mix. But soap likes both water and oil. So, when we wash our hands with soap, the soap molecules act as a mediator between the water and oil molecules, and bind with both of them at the same time. Then when you rinse everything off, the soap carries away the germs with the water.

Handmade soap is a cleanser made with simple ingredients that are good for your skin and is a great way to use essential oils derived from plants and natural colorants like clays. Other fun natural ingredients, like milk and purees, can also be added to handmade soap. You won’t find those quality ingredients in your bar of store bought soap. They retain all the moisturizing natural glycerin which also helps produce a rich luxurious lather. Thus skin-nourishing ingredients, plus super fatting and natural saponification create a soap bar full of moisturizing, natural oils, and natural glycerin. This kind of customization is a beautiful way of expressing yourself, your personality and your values. It’s a consumable art form that is fantastic to use, sell or give away as gifts.

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