+91 7337537632

Class Details (15/05/2023)

Handwriting Improvement

Skillnook4:00 PM
Handwriting Improvement Classes

Total number of sessions : 10 sessions
Levels - For Anyone
Languages: English, Hindi
Days : Mon, Wed, Thurs
Time : 4-5 pm
Duration : 1 hr each day
Who is this course for? - Teens, Adults, Children, Students, Working professionals, Parents

Materials Required - A ruled register, Pencil, Pens, Eraser, Sharpener, and other basic stationery items.

Course description - Improve Your Handwriting Within 10 Days. We have some techniques by which we can Improve your Handwriting within 10 days

Course content - In addition to improving the hand-writing , we will also work on :
- Pen Holding Posture
- Sitting Posture
- Book Posture
- Correct writing posture

To know more Hand writing Improvement and why it is needed read more about it on our website . Go to COURSES > HAND LETTERING > HAND WRITING IMPROVEMENT

P.S. - The price mentioned here is for 10 classes.

1999.00 1200.00

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