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CREATIVE ART THERAPY (CAT) : The Psychological Benefits of Learning Art Based Activities

It is said that “Art is the gateway to the soul and a window to another world”. There are many people who are ardent followers of art, and not just because of its beauty of it. A lot of art lovers fall for art pieces because they resonate with the heart of it. But there is more to Art than just beauty. For many, it opens doors to healing and is unquestionably one of the purest and highest elements in human happiness.

Creative Art Therapies (or we call it CAT, just to add some humor ;)) is a popular alternative to traditional Talk Therapy. It is an umbrella term for the creative and expressive process of art creation to improve and enhance the psychological and social well-being of individuals of all ages and health conditions. In this method, art serves as a medium to help individuals, by allowing the free flow of emotions. It engages the mind, body, and spirit by facilitating self-expression and exploration which in turn can foster healing and mental well-being. In CAT, we make use of various mediums, colors, shades, and shapes, coupled with our imagination to express our feelings, that would otherwise be difficult to articulate.

You might be wondering what the CAT entails? Well firstly, it isn't limited to coloring, however, it is indeed a great way to relax. Its benefits for Kids have long been acknowledged, but do you know that coloring is greatly beneficial for adults too? Sounds like a surefire way to unwind, doesn't it?

Let us provide you with some more insight on CAT :
• It not only includes a wide range of visual arts like Drawing or Sketching, Painting, Writing & Calligraphy etc. but also embodies many performing arts, like Music, Dance, Drama, Yoga or any Exercise etc. Also, it would not be right if we skip Culinary art from this list because it is one art that engages all our senses. The primary goal of all these CAT activities is to help people find new ways to gain personal insight and develop new coping skills.

• CAT is a great medium to help kids, teens and students who too, like adults, have to deal with stress, relationships, hurdles and challenges. This can interfere with their sleep, thinking & learning. CAT activities can help them to unwind & relax their mind, release school pressure and allow them to channel their energy into things they are passionate about!

• In Adults too, it induces the same state as meditation does, by reducing the thoughts of a restless mind and by generating mindfulness and quietness. In turn, this allows us to get some rest after a long day at work. Even in our day-to-day life when we tend to feel gloomy or wistful, CA activities seem like a practical approach to overcome these emotions, without the assistance of a therapist. As such, trying any form of CAT could be just what we need to boost our mood or kill our boredom. The best part is we don’t need to acquire artistic abilities of any kind to participate in these creative activities.

• Currently as it is well known, the Coronavirus pandemic has caused prevalent concerns throughout the world. With its melancholy always looming over our heads in the form of exasperating uncertainties and daunting health issues; these apprehensions are twice as intense when we or our loved ones are infected and confined within the boundaries of a room. In this situation fear, worry, anxiety & stress are inevitable. This in turn, can take an emotional toll and CAT activities have proven to be extremely helpful & beneficial in such situations. It can soothe our frazzled nerves, combat negative mood, minimize anxiety, deepen our inner peace, and provide distraction from stressful thoughts. Even those who are not artistically inclined will benefit from it. These CA activities can ease our discomfort and serve as a reminder - that this too shall pass! Such encouraging and positive vibes are essential while on the road to recovery!

It may not come as a surprise to you, but the burden of mental disorders in India is now unyielding. Hence, conversations about mental illnesses in our societies are stifled due to the stigma they are associated with. However, this can still BE FIXED and the first step towards normalizing mental illnesses should be by encouraging and supporting those in need of professional therapy. It is undoubtedly true that seeking medical help for such disorders has proven to reap great results. Nonetheless, science has also proven time and again that Creative Art Therapies are incredible in boosting mental health.

So folks, let us take charge of our wellbeing by making use of artistry, to improve and enhance our overall fitness. All you need to do is just take out some #metime from your busy schedule and engage in any activity of your choice. Explore the wonderful world of Art therapy with us and pave your own path towards creativity, because indulging in something which brings you happiness is the best pursuit of life!

DISCLAIMER - Please note that the Creative Art Therapy content which Skillnook offers is not psychotherapy or counselling. If you are in an acute psychological or psychiatric crisis, do seek professional medical help from a Registered Psychologist and Art Therapist.

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