+91 7337537632

DIETARY DIVERSIFICATION - 5 Household Strategies to Improve Family Health

Dietary Diversity is defined as the number of different foods or food groups consumed by an individual in a day or over a given reference period. Variety in an individual's diet is associated with the intake of adequate energy and essential nutrients.

Here are 5 household strategies that may benefit you to improve your overall health status.

1. Include millets and whole grains in your daily diet. Around 50% of your carbohydrates should come from coarse cereals and millets.

2. Include dry fruits, nuts, and seeds. They are considered tiny packets of nutrients but ensure you are consuming it the right way.
Click Here to know more about the benefits of nuts and seeds and the best way to eat them.

3. Focus on including a variety of colorful fruits and veggies in your daily diet which are locally available in your area. They should fill around half of your plate in every meal and should be mildly cooked or not cooked at all.

4. Prefer a combination of foods in the right way. It will not only provide you with maximum nutrients but will also help your digestive process, and encourage better absorption of all nutrients. Eg. Dal + Rice, Dosa + Sambhar etc. This will not only make your food easily digestible but will also improve the availability of nutrients. Eg. include Vitamin C-rich sources to improve Iron and Calcium absorption.

5. Include protein-rich foods in every meal. 50% of your protein should come from plant-based foods and the rest can be from nonvegetarian sources like fish, eggs, and poultry.

Our approach should be a sustainable and environmental-friendly diet.

For more information contact our Dietitians on +91-7337537632
For personalized DIET CHARTS please Click Here

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